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Algerian traders believe Algeria has bought feed barley at tender

European traders reported on Tuesday that the Algerian state agency OAIC purchased animal feed barley from optional origins during an international auction last week.

The exact volume of the purchase was not known, but it is believed that the volume bought was around the nominal 50,000 tons requested in the tender, which closed on Friday, February 14. Offers had to remain valid through Thursday, February 13.

According to estimates from traders, it was estimated that the purchase price per ton included freight and cost (c&f). It was thought to have been purchased at around $252 per ton cost and freight (c&f) included, according trader estimates.

Three possible dates were given for the shipment of barley: 16-31 March, 1-15 April and 16-30 April.

The reports reflect the assessments of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later. Michael Hogan is reporting.

(source: Reuters)