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Jordan purchases about 60,000 T of feed barley at tender, traders claim

European traders reported that Jordan's state grain purchaser purchased about 60,000 tons of animal feed barley at an international auction on Wednesday.

The trading house Viterra was reported to have purchased the material at a cost and freight included of $240.75 per ton. It is expected to be shipped during the second half June.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

Jordan is likely to issue a new tender for feed barley in the coming days, and it is expected to close by February 26.

They said that the new tender will likely seek to ship in April or May.

The barley purchased on Wednesday may come from a variety of origins.

Other trading houses also participated in the tender on Wednesday, according to traders. Their estimated offers per c&f were: Cargill, CHS, Bunge, Louis Dreyfus, Agro Chirnogi, Ameropa, Olam, and Bunge.

Jordan issued another tender Wednesday for the purchase of 120,000 tons milling wheat that will close on February 25, 2019. (Reporting and editing by Emelia Matarise, Emelia Sithole Matarise).

(source: Reuters)