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Algeria purchases about 150,000 T of wheat for two port shipments, traders claim

European traders claim that Algeria's state grain agency OAIC bought approximately 150,000 metric tonnes of milling wheat at an international auction on Tuesday, which only allowed shipment to two ports.

Some estimates put the volume at around 170,000 tonnes. Traders said that the requirement from the OAIC to only unload wheat in the ports of Mostaganem or Tenes for two port tenders generally indicates a relatively low purchase.

They estimated that the price per ton would be between $273 and $274, including cost and freight.

One trader said the highest price was $280 per ton c&f. Small shiploads requested in the tender could result in a wide price difference between the two port, traders said.

It was not mandatory to source the wheat from Black Sea, but it was likely that it was.

Wheat was requested for shipment from several main supply regions, including Europe, during the following periods: April 1-15; April 16-30; May 1-15; May 16-31; June 1-15 and 16-30. When sourced from South America and Australia, the shipment takes place one month sooner.

The results are based on the assessments of traders. Further estimates about prices and volume can be made later. Reporting by Michael Hogan, Hamburg, and Gus Trompiz, Paris

(source: Reuters)