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South Korea's NOFI purchases about 65,000 T of feed wheat, traders claim

European traders reported that the leading South Korean animal feed manufacturer Nonghyup Feed Inc. (NOFI) bought about 65,000 metric tonnes of animal feed wheat at an international auction on Wednesday.

The cost of the consignment was estimated at $249.99 per ton, plus freight. Plus a surcharge of $1.50 per ton for port unloading.

It was thought that the seller is CHS, a trading company.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

Wheat was to be delivered in one shipment around April 15, from anywhere except Argentina, Russia Pakistan, Denmark, and China. No loading ports are allowed in Ukraine or Russia.

The U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, Australia or Canadian west coast will ship wheat between March 13 and April 1, the U.S. Gulf or Canadian east coast will send wheat between February 21 and March 12, the U.S. Gulf or Europe, or Canada's east coast, between February 21 to 12; from Europe, via the Cape of Good Hope, between the dates of Feb. 6 and 25, from South America, between the dates of Feb. 16 to 7 or South Africa, between the dates of Feb. 26-17.

NOFI also released a tender on up to 138,000 tonnes of animal feed corn, which closed also on Wednesday. (Reporting and editing by Michael Hogan)

(source: Reuters)