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Algeria offers to purchase 240,000 T of corn and 70,000 T of soymeal

European traders reported on Wednesday that the Algerian state agency ONAB had issued international tenders for up to 240,00 metric tons animal feed corn, and 70,000 metric tons soymeal.

The deadline to submit price bids in tenders is on Thursday.

The new tenders are seen by traders as an indication that Algeria has not made any purchases, or only bought small quantities, during its

previous tenders

Offers for corn and animal feeds were submitted on Tuesday.

In the Thursday's auction, corn is only to be sourced from Argentina and Brazil in six consignments between 30,000-40,000 tons. The shipment can take place at any time in February.

Soymeal in two consignments ranging from 25,000 to 35, 000 tons is required for export in any month of February. Origins are optional. (Reporting from Gus Trompiz, Paris; Additional reporting from Michael Hogan, Hamburg; Editing done by Mark Porter.)

(source: Reuters)