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South Korea's NOFI offers to purchase up to 138,000 metric tonnes corn

European traders reported on Tuesday that the leading South Korean feedmaker Nonghyup Feed Inc. (NOFI) had issued an international bid to purchase up 138,000 metric tonnes of animal feed corn.

The deadline to submit price bids in the tender is March 11, Tuesday.

Two consignments of between 45,000 and 69,000 tons of corn are required to arrive in South Korea.

Around June 10, the first corn shipment was expected to arrive in South Korea.

Shipping is required between May 8 and 27, if the shipment originates from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, or if it comes from the U.S. Gulf coast between April 18 and may 7, South America between the dates of April 13 and 2 and South Africa between the dates of April 23 and 12.

Around June 20, the second corn shipment is expected to arrive in South Korea.

If you are sourcing from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, shipment will be between May 18 and 6; from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico between April 28 and 17; from South America between the 23rd April and 12th May or from South Africa from May 3 to 22nd.

The sellers have the right of choice in the origins they supply. Traders said that they were seeking offers in both outright prices for a ton of corn c&f as well as a premium on the Chicago mai 2025 corn contract.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's world supply and demand estimates are expected to cause some market turmoil on Tuesday.

(source: Reuters)