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CMA CGM accepts purchase 48% of Santos Brasil for $1.2 bln, will introduce takeover quote

French shipping giant CMA CGM accepted purchase 47.6% of port terminal operator Santos Brasil for 6.3 billion reais ($ 1.2 billion), and will release a takeover quote for the staying stake, the Brazilian firm said on Sunday in a securities filing.

Under the agreement, CMA CGM would buy some 215 million shares and almost 40 million Global Depositary Receipts of Santos Brasil from Brazilian property supervisor Opportunity for 15.30 reais each, according to the filing.

The rate represents a 20% premium over the 12.71 reais closing rate of Santos Brasil shares on Friday.

The French business has also committed to introduce a tender offer for the staying shares of Santos Brasil at the exact same price, the filing showed.

CMA CGM would file for the tender offer within one month after the closing of the stake purchase, which still needs approval from Brazil's antitrust body CADE and waterborne transport regulator ANTAQ.

(source: Reuters)