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Russia's Gazprom Neft will start gas output at Eastern Siberia task in 2026

Gazprom Neft , the oil arm of Russian energy giant Gazprom , will start gas output at its Chona task in Eastern Siberia and will have facilities in location for oil output there in 2026, business head stated on Thursday.

Far-flung hydrocarbon riches in Eastern Siberia are important for Russia's oil and gas production as fields in Western Siberia are ending up being progressively depleted after a number of years of production.

The company sees terrific possible for projects in Eastern Siberia, because they are concentrated on the supply of hydrocarbons to promising markets in the Asia-Pacific countries, Alexander Dyukov told press reporters on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Russia's Pacific port of Vladivostok.

The fields lie in distance to East Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil pipeline in addition to the Power of Siberia gas pipeline to China.

They have an intricate geological structure, which is challenging for production.

Gazprom Neft develops Vakunaisk and Tympuchikansk gas blocks at the Chona cluster. Their recoverable reserves are put at more than 110 billion cubic metres.

Ignyalinsk oilfield is also a part of the cluster.

(source: Reuters)