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CEZ wins arbitration case against Gazprom

CEZ, a Czech utility company, announced on Wednesday that it won a dispute with Russian Gazprom over damages in excess of 1 billion crowns (42.16 millions dollars).

CEZ was forced to purchase gas at high prices in order to make up for the damage caused by the significant decrease in gas supplies that Gazprom made during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

CEZ claimed that an arbitral tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce had upheld the full validity of its claim, and that Gazprom was required to pay damages as well as interest and costs of proceedings.

CEZ stated that "if Gazprom does not do this voluntarily, CEZ would enforce the arbitral decision".

Gazprom didn't immediately respond to a comment request.

CEZ sought compensation for damages in February 2023.

The Czech Republic relied on Russian gas mainly through the Nord Stream pipe and Germany until 2022, when Russia cut back shipments due to deteriorating relations with the west.

The country in central Europe has substituted its gas supply with LNG and pipeline gas from other sources.

(source: Reuters)