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LSEG data show that Russia's seaborne Diesel exports fell to a 1-year low in august.

LSEG data and market sources indicate that Russia's seaborne gasoil and diesel exports will fall to their lowest level since September 2023 in August, at 2.7-2.8 million metric tonnes due to refinery repairs and domestic fuel consumption.

According to data from traders and calculations, Russia's refinery run in August was the same or slightly higher than July. However, diesel production has decreased due to the overhauling of secondary refining unit at several refineries.

Shipping data shows that the Russian diesel exports to Brazil may fall to their lowest level since February 2023 this month, at approximately 450,000 tonnes.

Sources said that the volume of Russian products would likely be replaced in part by other regions.

According to LSEG, the tanker Marcilio Dias is expected to arrive to Brazil in September after it loaded with 140,000 tonnes of low-sulfur diesel at the Indian port Sikka.

In August, the amount of diesel and gasoil loaded from Russian ports into Turkey may fall to 1.0-1.1 million tonnes. Diesel exports from Russia to Turkey reached 1.58 million tonnes in the month prior.

SOCAR’s STAR oil refining facility in Turkey will begin a two-month period of maintenance in early September.

Since the full EU embargo against fuel imports from Russia came into force in February 2023, Turkey and Brazil are the two main importers.

The Russian refineries will begin seasonal maintenance in September, and the offline primary oil refining capability is expected to double from August up to 3.377 millions tons.

Traders said that due to the strong demand for domestic fuel, some refineries may postpone their maintenance from September to October. (Reporting and editing by Jan Harvey; Moscow)

(source: Reuters)