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Russian LME aluminium stocks account for 67% of total in August

The share of available aluminium stocks of Russian origin in storage facilities authorized by the London Metal Exchange (LME) increased to 67% in August from 65% in July, LME information showed on Tuesday.

The share of aluminium of Indian origin slipped to 31% from 33%, the information revealed.

On-warrant aluminium stocks in LME-registered storage facilities of all origins << MALSTX-TOTAL > fell by 4% in August, a third month of decline after a surge in May.

The May jump in stocks followed a decision by the LME to ban all Russian aluminium, copper and nickel produced from April 13 from its system to adhere to U.S. and British sanctions enforced over Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Russian aluminium stocks on LME warrant - a title document providing ownership - ended August at 232,350 metric tons, the information showed.

For copper, the biggest share of inventories in August was from China at 56% while Russian material accounted for 16% of the total.

Meanwhile the share of Chinese nickel in LME facilities increased to 39% of the overall in August from 35% while LME nickel stocks of Russian origin edged down to 22% from 24%.

The LME has been building up the liquidity of its nickel agreement by drawing in new listed brands, including those from China and nickel mining giant Indonesia, which got the very first LME approval for one of its producing brands in May.

(source: Reuters)