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Ukraine consents to transit Azerbaijani gas after Gazprom offer ends, report says

Ukraine has accepted transit Azerbaijani gas to Europe as a temporary procedure after it ends a. transit deal with Russia, although it expects some Russian. gas will be included in the volumes, the Ukrainska Pravda news. outlet said on Thursday.

Ukraine's gas transit deal with Russia's Gazprom. is due to expire at the end of this year and Kyiv has said it. doesn't wish to renew it in the middle of the war in between the two countries.

However, some central European countries still depend on gas. from Russia that crosses Ukraine in a pipeline - having secured. an exemption from a European Union ban on Russian gas imports -. and they are keen to continue receiving products.

An Azerbaijani authorities has stated the EU and Kyiv have asked. Baku to help with conversations with Russia, with one capacity. choice that Azerbaijan may purchase Russian gas for itself in order. to free up a few of its own gas to export to the EU.

We comprehend that the EU needs time to totally abandon. Russian gas. And we are taking this step to make this transition. simpler for the EU, Ukrainska Pravda priced estimate a source in the. Ukrainian government as stating.

It included that Ukraine was prepared to back this arrangement. although some Russian gas may be mixed with Azerbaijani gas.

Ukraine's energy ministry decreased to comment.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated last week he was. positive of an advancement in speak to keep gas flowing. through Ukraine to several European countries.

(source: Reuters)