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US settles details of Boeing 737 MAX guilty plea offer

The Justice Department stated Boeing had accepted plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge and pay a fine of $243.6 million after the planemaker breached a 2021 delayed prosecution arrangement, according to a. court filing on Wednesday.

Boeing on July 7 agreed in concept to plead guilty to. conspiring to defraud the Federal Aviation Administration after. the federal government stated the planemaker purposefully made incorrect. representations about essential software application for the 737 MAX.

Families of the 346 people killed in 2 Boeing 737 MAX. crashes in 2018 and 2019 will have the ability to file objections previously. Judge Reed O'Connor will decide whether to accept the deal and. to determine if Boeing owes restitution of the families of those. eliminated.

Boeing confirmed it had actually filed a detailed plea contract with. the Justice Department. We will continue to work transparently. with our regulators as we take substantial actions throughout Boeing. to further reinforce our safety, quality and compliance. programs, the company said.

As part of the deal, the planemaker agreed to invest at. least $455 million over the next 3 years to boost safety and. compliance programs, the filing said. Boeing's board will have. to consult with relatives of those killed in the MAX crashes within. 4 months of sentencing, the filing included.

The deal also enforces an independent screen, who will. have to publicly file yearly progress reports, to manage the. company's compliance. Boeing will be on probation during the. screen's three-year term and it can be extended by a year if. Boeing does not abide by the terms.

(source: Reuters)