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Motiva to restart Port Arthur, Texas FCC on Tuesday, sources state

Motiva Enterprises plans to reboot the shut gasolineproducing fluidic catalytic cracker ( FCC) at its 626,000 barrelperday (bpd) Port Arthur, Texas, refinery on Tuesday, said 2 people acquainted with plant operations on Monday.

Motiva returned the 200,000-bpd VPS-4 crude distillation unit (CDU) to production on Monday, the sources stated.

A Motiva representative did not reply to a request for remark.

The 81,000-bpd FCC was shut on Wednesday to fix a. leakage on a heavy naphtha line, the sources said. Motiva had. planned to restart the unit over the weekend, but found even more. leaks to fix.

VPS-4 tripped offline over the weekend and restarted on. Monday, the sources said.

FCCs use a fine powder driver to convert gas oil into. unfinished gasoline.

VPS-4 is the second largest of 3 CDUs that start the. refining procedure by breaking down crude oil into feedstocks for. all other systems at the refinery.

Motiva's Port Arthur refinery is the second largest in. the United States, according to the U.S. Energy Details. Administration.

(source: Reuters)