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Boeing overcharged Flying force almost 8,000% for soap dispensers, guard dog declares

Boeing overcharged the U.S. Flying force for extra parts for C17 transportation planes, including increasing the cost on soap dispensers by 7,943%,. according to a report by a Pentagon guard dog.

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General stated. on Tuesday the Air Force overpaid almost $1 million for a dozen. extra parts, consisting of $149,072 for a concealed variety of. lavatory soap dispensers from the U.S. planemaker and defense. specialist.

The Flying force needs to establish and carry out more. reliable internal controls to assist avoid paying too much for extra. parts for the rest of this agreement, which continues. through 2031, stated Inspector General Robert Storch. Substantial overpayments for extra parts might minimize the number. of extra parts that Boeing can purchase on the agreement,. possibly reducing C-17 readiness worldwide.

Boeing said on Tuesday it was examining the report, including. that it seems based on an inapt comparison of the. rates paid for parts that meet military requirements and. styles versus basic commercial items that would not be. qualified or authorized for use on the C-17.

Boeing said it plans to offer a comprehensive written response. to the report in the coming days and said the spare parts were. significantly customized to satisfy military requirements.

The Pentagon's budget is substantial, breaking $900 billion last. year, making overcharges by defense contractors a routine. headache for internal watchdogs, but one that is hard to. discover.

The Inspector General also noted it might not determine if. the Air Force paid a fair price on $22 countless extra parts. because the service did not keep a database of historical. rates, acquire provider quotes or identify commercially similar. parts.

(source: Reuters)