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Vietnamese warship arrives in Russia on 'organization call', TASS reports

A Vietnamese missile frigate arrived in Russia's port of Vladivostok on a organization call, Russia's. TASS state news agency reported on Wednesday, citing journalism. service of Russia's Pacific Fleet.

Today, the frigate Hung Dao of the Navy of the Socialist. Republic of Vietnam got here in Vladivostok on an organization call,. TASS mentioned the press service as saying.

The ship will stay in Russia until completion of July, TASS. reported.

The frigate was built in Russia and it was commissioned by. the Vietnamese navy in 2018, according to military blog writers.

According to Rosoboronoexport, Russia's defence exporter, it. is created to browse, track and counter opponent surface,. underwater and air targets. It is thought about a light frigate at. a maximum displacement of 2,500 tonnes.

The mooring of the frigate in Vladivostok, in Russia's Far. East, comes just weeks after President Vladimir Putin's journey to. Vietnam, where he said he wished to construct a reliable security. architecture in the Asia-Pacific area.

(source: Reuters)