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HR Watch calls Israel's July attacks on Yemen's Hodeidah Port a "possible crime of war".

Human Rights Watch (HRW), on Monday, said that the Israeli airstrikes against Yemen's Hodeidah Port last month were an indiscriminate and disproportionate attack on civilians. This may have amounted to a crime of war.

Israel announced on July 20, that its warplanes had struck military targets near Hodeidah.

HRW reported that the attack, which targeted oil installations and a power plant, killed or wounded at least 6 people.

The attack took place just a day after an Israeli drone killed one person when it struck Tel Aviv's economic center. HRW also said that this may have been a war crimes.

Human Rights Watch reported that the retaliatory Israeli strikes on Hodeidah targeted more than 20 oil storage tanks, two shipping cranes, and a power station in Salif district of the province.

The attacks seemed to have caused disproportionate damage to civilians or civilian objects. War crimes are serious violations of laws of war that were committed with intent, meaning deliberately or recklessly.

According to the HRW report, satellite images revealed that the oil tanks had been burning for at least 3 days. This poses environmental concerns.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry did not immediately comment.

Hodeidah is crucial for the Yemeni people, who rely on imports, to get food and other essentials. Around 70 percent of Yemen’s commercial imports, and 80 percent its humanitarian aid pass through the port.

In response to Israel's attack on Gaza, the Houthis launched missiles and drones against Israel and disrupted the global trade via the Red Sea. This further destabilised the Middle East at a time when the war in Gaza has raged for 10 months.

Israel claims that the Houthis launched 200 attacks on it since the Gaza War began. Many of these were intercepted, and the majority of them were not fatal.

Israel announced its first strike against the group on the following day after a rare Houthi-led drone attack that struck Tel Aviv the previous day.

In response, the Houthi group, also known as Ansar Islam, has said that it will continue to attack Israel. (Reporting and editing by Clauda Tanias, Mohammed Ghobari)

(source: Reuters)