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Malaysia Airports $4 billion takeover deal 'affordable', offer consultant says

A takeover bid for Malaysia Airports Holdings by a consortium making up the country's. sovereign wealth fund and BlackRock's International Infrastructure. Partners was deemed as practical for shareholders by the offer's. monetary consultant on Friday.

HLIB is of the view that the deal is 'unfair' but. ' reasonable', according to deal adviser Hong Leong Investment. Bank (HLIB).

The $4.08 billion offer made by the consortium in May sought. to upgrade facilities and enhance connection and services,. goals that would be much better realized through privatisation,. according to consortium members that likewise include Staff members. Provident Fund of Malaysia and the Abu Dhabi Financial Investment. Authority.

Some directors of Malaysia Airports who weren't interested. in the offer on Friday revealed issues regarding the. assessment, growth prospects and recommended declining the offer.

In its recommendation on Friday, HLIB kept the deal. underestimated the business however stated it provided shareholders a chance. to leave their investments in the absence of an alternate deal.

(source: Reuters)