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Sibur to issue domestic bonds to fund Amur Gas Complex

Subur, the Russian petrochemical company, plans to issue domestic bonds by the end of this year to finance the Amur Gas and Chemical Complex (GCC), said Chief Executive Mikhail Karisalov on Friday. However he did not reveal the size of the bond.

Amur Complex in Russia's Far East is a joint-venture with Sinopec, which will start in 2027. It will become one of the largest polyethylene and polypropylene producers in the world.

Karisalov told the Eastern Economic Forum, held in the Pacific port city of Vladivostok, that "we are already at an advanced stage" with the preparations for the bond issue.

Darya Borisova, a member of Sibur's management team, said Darya this week that more than half the plant had been constructed. Karisalov stated earlier this year the project's cost was now slightly higher than its original estimate of $10 billion.

The initial project financing scheme consisted of 70% loans and 30% investor investments.

The Amur GCC will produce 2.3 millions tonnes of polyethylene a year and 400,000 tonnes polypropylene, using gas fractions from Gazprom’s gas processing facility, also known as Amur. (Reporting and writing by OLesya Aastakhova, Editing by Clarence Fernandez).

(source: Reuters)