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Ukraine barley exports set for sharp fall in Sept, manufacturers say

Reduced demand for Ukrainian barley from China will lead to a drop in exports as early as September, with the volume falling by as much as half versus August, producers said on Wednesday.

The contracted volumes for August are 600,000 lots, while just 280,000 heaps have been contracted for September, the nation's significant agricultural producers group, the Ukrainian Agrarian Council, said in a declaration.

The main factor is a reduction in demand from China, which previously accounted for more than half of Ukrainian barley exports.

The council said China was no longer expected to return to Ukrainian grain and might switch to Australian barley, which will start to be provided in December-January.

Without Chinese contracts, monthly exports of Ukrainian barley will not exceed 300,000 tons, the council said, adding that some traders were already stopping barley consumption, changing to crops such as corn.

Ukraine is a traditional grower of barley and this year's. harvest has actually amounted to 5.5 million tons.

Ukrainian traders union UGA have actually estimated 2024/25 barley. exports at 2 million tons versus 2.5 million in 2023/24.

(source: Reuters)