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Russia imposes momentary import ban on Kazakh grain, however enables transit

Russia has actually imposed a. momentary ban on Kazakh grain imports for its own market, however. has approved Kazakhstan permission to transit grain by means of Russian. territory for export to other countries beginning with Thursday,. its agricultural watchdog said.

Transit of grain will be possible if Kazakhstan offers. phytosanitary certificates for the final location country. and guarantees the direct trans-shipment of the grain from train. cars straight onto export vessels.

The Russian guard dog, Rosselkhoznadzor, had formerly said. that from Sept. 23, its systems would immediately obstruct the. issuance of phytosanitary certificates for grain, grain. products, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, and peppers from. Kazakhstan.

Both Russia and Kazakhstan are net grain exporters, and the. latter is on track to post its most significant grain harvest since 2011.

Kazakhstan primarily exports wheat to its neighbours in. Asia, however depends on transit through Russian area to sell. its grain in Europe and the Mediterranean.

(source: Reuters)