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Marine fuel supplier Chimbusco delivers largest marine biofuel bunker stem in Hong Kong

Chimbusco Pan Nation, a marine fuel supplier, announced on Friday it had delivered the largest amount of marine biofuel in Hong Kong. This is also the largest volume ever recorded for a single delivery in Chinese ports.

According to sources in the bunker industry, recent marine biofuel stem sizes can range from 300 to 3,050 metric tons. However, stems can be bigger depending on specific needs.

Chimbusco delivered 5,500 tons B24 marine biofuel in a single shipment to the vessel Xin Los Angeles this week, according to a statement posted online.

The company said that it supplied more than 44,400 metric tons (or more than 96%) of biofuels to Hong Kong for bunkering last year.

As shipping companies look for lower-carbon fuels, marine biofuel sales increased at major bunker hubs such as Singapore and Rotterdam in the past year.

(source: Reuters)