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German warships to pass through Taiwan Strait this month, Spiegel says

2 German warships are set to go through the delicate Taiwan Strait in the middle of this month, becoming the first German naval vessels to do so in 22 years, Spiegel publication reported on Saturday.

Reuters reported last month that the warships were waiting for orders from Berlin to cruise the Strait, prompting a rebuke to Germany from Beijing.

Spiegel mentioned undefined sources as saying Beijing would not be formally informed of the German ships' passage to stress that Berlin views the journey as regular.

Germany's defence ministry decreased to comment.

While the United States and other nations, including Canada, have actually sent out warships through the strait in recent weeks, it would be the German navy's first passage since 2002.

China declares sovereignty over democratically governed Taiwan and states it has jurisdiction over the nearly 180-km (110-mile). broad waterway in-between. Taiwan highly objects to China's. sovereignty claims and states only the island's individuals can choose. their future.

The Taiwan Strait is a major trade route through which about. half of worldwide container ships pass, and both the United States. and Taiwan state it is a global waterway.

The leader of the German naval job group, Rear Admiral. Axel Schulz, told Reuters last month that such a passage would. demonstrate Germany's commitment to a rules-based order and the. tranquil service of territorial conflicts.

The 2 German vessels are participating in workouts in the. area with France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia,. Singapore, the Philippines and the United States.

Cruisings through the waterway by foreign warships are. frequently condemned by Beijing, which states they undermine peace. and stability in the area.

Germany, for which both China and Taiwan are major trade. partners, has joined other Western nations in broadening its. military existence in the area in action to Beijing's growing. territorial aspirations.

(source: Reuters)